We have two very specific and complimentary energies that hold throughout this entire week, the Sun squaring Saturn and Pluto, as well as the North Node trining Mercury.
The Sun is our Spirit, how we show up in our life, and with this square to Saturn (which is all things discipline, responsibility and planning) this is a formidable week for putting plans into action, whether we feel ready for it or not. All we need is five seconds of bravery to take a bold step. This energy is tremendously complimentary to the North Node trining Mercury, since the North Node is the work that we are here to do in this incarnation, and Mercury is all things thought and communication.
Last Thursday (October 3rd) Pluto went direct, having been retrograde since the end of April 2019. Pluto is the great transformer, has tremendous death and rebirth energy, and is also sometimes referred to as the cosmic plunger of the zodiac. Take a minute to see, what has been coming up in the last five months for you to be cleared or released? Whatever life arena this has been happening is, is the same area that you will be experiencing transformation over the coming year.
On Tuesday October 8th, 10:06am (Vancouver time), Venus will leave the sign of Libra and delve into Scorpio. Scorpio is very deep, mysterious, transformative energy. This could be a week that instead of focusing on creating harmony or “surface peace” we dare to go deep to discuss the true crux of the issue.
On Sunday October 13th, 2:07pm (Vancouver time) we have a full moon at 20° Aries, the polar opposite of Libra that wants harmony, peace and cooperation, Aries is very “me, my, MINE!” type energy. This weekend affords us the opportunity to become very clear as to what specific needs we have to pay extra attention to meeting for ourselves.
As I announced last week, in 2020 my natal chart reading rates is increasing, so if you have been considering having a reading with me, but have been on the fence, act now before the rate increases. I’ve also been doing Family Pack Chart readings, which includes astrological reports for those you may be raising, to help understand their potential and personal challenges. If you are interested, please get in touch for more information.
Overall, with the Sun squaring Saturn and Pluto, and the North Node trining Mercury, this is an excellent week with tremendous potential for taking tangible measures to make our dreams and goals come to fruition. As I said, sometimes all we need is five seconds of incredible bravery to take a bold step that inevitably brings us closer to creating the life of our dreams!