Astrological Energy Forecast
Monday October 21 – Sunday October 27, 2019.
We begin this week with the Sun in the last degrees of Libra and the Moon in Leo.
There are some astrological aspects that hold throughout the week:
- North Node trine Neptune and square Mars
- Mars square Saturn
- Sun Uranus opposition
This is an excellent week for harnessing our discipline and getting stuff moving, yet while we are being called to expand, Venus (with her trine to the North Node and sextile with both Saturn and Pluto), it is paramount that we honour our emotional guidance system as we put plans into motion.
This has very much been a year for daring to honour the calling from our Highest Self, and on Monday and Tuesday, Venus trine Neptune supports us with compassion as we step into our personal expansion.
On Wednesday October 23rd the Moon enters Virgo and the Sun enters Scorpio. This is the beginning of energy turning inwards and going deep.
On Friday October 25th the Moon enters Libra and Mercury will begin to slow, before stationing early next week and retrograding.
Sunday 27th she ends the week in Scorpio with a powerful New Moon at 4° Scorpio.
The Sabian Symbol of 4° Scorpio is of “a youth holding a lighted candle in a devotional ritual.” Indeed, this is a powerful New Moon worthy of ritual and candlelight as we turn our energy inwards towards magick and mystery.
As Scorpio is natural ruler of personal transformation, death and rebirth, crisis, passions, sexuality, all things taboo (including other people’s money), what aspect of Scorpio energy will you be calling forth with your New Moon intentions?