Astrological Energy Forecast
Monday November 18th – Sunday November 24th, 2019
The Sun and Mars change signs this week, and I blinked, albeit in the midst of chaos, and Mercury is preparing to go direct. Oh, and let’s not forget a grand water trine between Mercury, Neptune and the North Node, Chiron and the Sun forming a trine and Neptune stationing to go direct early next week.
I’m tired already. Speaking of which, have you been feeling the need to sloooooow dowwwwwwn? You’re not alone. The question is, will you heed this prompting? The waning moon supports release, what superfluous activities or obligations can be rescheduled, renegotiated or released?
We begin this week with the Sun at 25° Scorpio and the Moon in Leo.
Moon will stay in Leo until early Tuesday evening when she enters Virgo. She stays in Virgo until Thursday night (November 21) when she enters Libra, staying Libra until Sunday night (November 24) when she enters Scorpio.
We have two specific aspects that hold steady throughout the week, the first being a trine between Chiron and the Sun. The second being a grand water trine which I will expand on in a minute.
The Sun trine Chiron may see our psychological wounds rising to the surface, particularly with the Sun traversing the final degrees of Scorpio, and I believe this week holds tremendous potential for deep healing. It is a week to be gentle with ourselves, to honour the sacred within and as such, treat ourselves with nurturing respect and loving reverence.
The grand water trine between the North Node in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Scorpio supports this healing, given that water represents our emotions. Release what you can this week and hold the space to be able to connect with Spirit and float in the in between places.
At noon Tuesday (Vancouver time) Mars leaves Libra, where he has been since the beginning of October. Take a minute to reflect and honour the actions you have taken to create (or maintain) balance in your own world. That may have been saying no. This is a new skill for many, and I encourage you to celebrate anytime you’ve said “no” to something over the past seven weeks. Mars will be in Scorpio until early January 2020, so I will be delving more specifically into this placement in the coming weeks.
At noon Thursday Mercury goes direct. I think that’s worthy of a round of applause, I’ve heard from many that this Mercury retrograding in Scorpio has been particularly dense and intense.
Neptune is also stationary before going direct next week.
All in all, create the time for soulful reflection this week. Allow yourself to release that which does not serve the Highest Good of All. Be gentle with your spirit and those around you.