by Rev. Krystin | Mar 2, 2020 | Astrology
Astrological Energy Forecast for the week of Monday March 2nd – Sunday March 8th,...
by Rev. Krystin | Feb 24, 2020 | Astrology
This is going to be a particularly emotional week, with our sensitivity amped up. Remind yourself as often as you need to: You are not losing your mind. You’ve got this. You’re just feeling ALL of...
by Rev. Krystin | Feb 17, 2020 | Astrology
This is a week where we are aclimatizing to new energies, with Mars having enterred Capricorn, Mercury stationing retrograde, and the Sun about to move into Pisces. This is a week where it will be incredibly easy for us to over react, and we are being prompted to be...
by Rev. Krystin | Feb 12, 2020 | Astrology
You’ve probably heard rumblings about it, Mercury goes retrograde Feb 15 – March 9, 2020. Mercury retrograde gets such a hard time with such hype as, “Don’t travel or don’t sign contracts!” so it’s easy to find ourselves getting into a knot of apprehension as to...
by Rev. Krystin | Feb 10, 2020 | Astrology
We are in the midst of three energies that are shifting, we are being called to trust our inner knowing and to PAUSE before...
by Rev. Krystin | Feb 3, 2020 | Astrology
Mercury has just entered Pisces and our clarity is beginning to cloud, it may even feel as though our thoughts have slowed. This week is all about grounding into our intuition and connecting with our Highest Self as many times through the day as possible, trusting...
by Rev. Krystin | Jan 27, 2020 | Astrology
Astrological Energy Forecast for the week of Monday January 27th – Sunday February 2nd, 2020. This is a week of AMAZING clarity! Watch the video to learn why you want to harness this...
by Rev. Krystin | Jan 13, 2020 | Astrology