Full written transcript of the video is available below. 

“Hello and happy Monday, my name is Krystin and I’m coming to you today from the traditional unceded territory of shíshálh Nation, with this week’s astrological energy forecast for the week of Monday March 15, 2021.

We begin the week with the sun at 24° Pisces, Moon (on Monday) is in the middle of Aries, she will be in Aries until approximately 7am on Tuesday March 16th, at which point she will move into Taurus.

Moon in Taurus this is very stable, very steady, very slow to change energy, wishing you ease as you flow through that. She will be in Taurus all day Tuesday and Wednesday, until about Thursday night at approximately 8pm, Thursday March 18th, at which point she moves into Gemini.  Moon in Gemini, this is very communicative, very curious, very versatile energy, and she will be in Gemini Thursday Friday, Saturday, until approximately 8am on Sunday March 21st, at which point she’ll move into Cancer.  Moon in Cancer, this is very supportive, very nurturing, very emotional energy.

Now we’ve got a big week ahead, not just because of the astrology, but because we’ve now reached the one year anniverary of the world shifting benath our feet.

I’ve talked in the past weeks about, are we honouring what we value by making it a priority?  And more than anything this week, as the Sun continues to travel in conjunction with Venus and will be involved with Neptune, how important it is that we meet ourselves with compassion and tenderness and gentleness for the collective trauma that we may be retriggered with this one year mark.

 That being said, I have talked a lot these last few weeks about valuing, honouring our values, making it a priority within our day and I’m really going to emphasize that this week again, with our mental health and with our emotional wellness: are we making that a priority? Are we participating actively in what it is that we need to experience wellness?

Now on Tuesdady March 16th, Mercury is going to enter the sign of Pisces, and Mercury is going to be in Pisces until April.  Mercury is not a fan of being in Pisces.  Mercury, this is very analytical, very precise, very intellectual, and Pisces, this is a very foggy, very nebulous, very vague and daydreamy energy, so we may be finding in the coming weeks, almost as though it feels as if Mercury is retrograde.  Mercury is not retrograde, however Mercury is in its detriment in Pisces.

Now what’s interesting is that Mars is going to, later this week, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, is going to be making a square with Mercury. So not only has Mercury moved into this very flowy energy, where it really just wants to be clear and to be able to express and articulate… with Mars making a square to Mercury, there’s going to be some frustration, that we are not as clear as we would like. That we’ve not, perhaps that we’ve not been able to communicate as efficiently and, again, can’t emphasize this enough, meet yourself with gentle compassion and tenderness as everything arises. Particularly with these hiccups with regards to communicationa nd clarity.

Now we also, on Saturday March 20th, the Sun is going to leave Pisces and enter the sign of Aries, and with that, this is Astrological New Year. This is the beginning of a brand new cycle. This is also the Spring Equinox, and I really encourage you to ground into nature, and to honour the transition, and, whatever that looks like, for you, to embrace ease. But if you can find that moment to honour the transition, and ground yourself back into Mother Earth, as well as what it is that you value.

Now if you are born in the season of Aries, if you are interested in honouring cycles and heeding natural rhythms, your birthday isn’t just a birthday… you’re birthday is the beginning of a very personal cycle.  It could be said this is your personal New Year’s. Birthday Magick is an offering I have, it’s a downloadable e-book, and it’s an infusion of magick and deliberate co-creation.  Birthday Magick is a ritual that you’ll be guided through of three pillars of: reflection, celebration and intention.

So if you are born in the season of Aries, I’ve got a coupon for you to access Birthday Magick for the low, low price of $11.  Using the coupon code: Aries2021

You can access that at my shop at: www.krystinclark.ca

Ground yourself.

Ground yourself into this very vessel that you’ve got.

Ground yourself into the transition of Mother Earth.

And find the space to honour all that has been navigate.

 Lastly, if you are seeing this on social media. These reports are not consistently uploaded to social media, these are sent complimentary to subscribers of my newsletter.

If you’d like to receive these bite-sized nuggets of astrological wisdom, sign up so you can get these into your inbox every Monday, without having to fall down the rabbit hole of social media.

Thank you so very much for your time, your support and your energy, I’m wishing you a week of good health, of ease, of flow, and of honouring your guidance.

Thanks so much, have a great one!”