Last week I spoke of energy shifting and being directed inwards… and here we are in the damp, dark glorious muck of the Scorpio season core. 

This is a week to be checking our reserves.

My biggest hope with this week’s video, is that you take a moment to consider:

What do you need to support your physical wellness?
What do you need to support your emotional wellness?
What do you have in place for spiritual wellness?

We started the week with a powerful new moon at 4° Scorpio that was in exact opposition to Uranus at 4° Taurus. This was the New Moon of death, rebirth and transformation, and Uranus’ influence brought about very abrupt, dramatic and unexpected endings for many, in a wide variety of different ways.

The Sun continues to hold the opposition with Uranus throughout the week, (Sun 5° Scorpio, Uranus retrograding at 4° Taurus). Hopefully, it will be helpful to know beforehand that electric impulsivity is in the air this entire week.

This opposition will be waning by the weekend and we will have passed through it by the beginning of next week.

Tuesday the Moon, Mercury and Venus are all conjunct at 26 and 27° of Scorpio in the Twelfth House. Twelfth House is natural ruler of our subconscious, secrets, difficulties and hidden ordeals.

Wednesday the Moon leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, where she begins to approach a conjunction with Jupiter (that conjunction is exact on Thursday) this may be a period where our emotions are particularly big and creating soulful moments of mindfulness and ritual can certainly be beneficial for Wednesday night and Thursday.

We have Mars squaring the Saturn Pluto conjunction. With Mars being the engine of our personal drive, this is beautiful potential to harness the Mercury Venus conjunction, and take action where it feels harmonious to do so.

This keeps coming up over and over throughout this week, continually check in with your emotions, use them to discern what actions may need to be taken. 

Thursday Mercury (conjunct Venus) goes stationary before retrograding Friday November 1st.

Mercury retrogrades from 27° Scorpio until November 20th at 11° Scorpio.   Mercury  was last at 11° Scorpio on October 11th. Look back in your calendars or journals to see what was coming up or happening for you during that time, this will be a hint as to what you may be revisiting during this Mercury retrograde.

This Mercury Retrogrades are times to review, reconnect, reprioritize, renegotiate.  This Mercury Venus conjunction is a beautiful energy leading into this. We are being prompted to examine if our circumstances are serving our wellness and the Highest Good of All involved.

Friday the Moon enters Capricorn and begins a conjunction with the Saturn and Pluto, this could be a time of feeling particularly restricted or really going deep. This is a profound time for feeling it all.

Friday afternoon Venus leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius and we will certainly feel the benefits of that next week. Sunday Moon enters Aquarius.

If you have your natal chart, you will want to look at what planets you have anywhere in your chart between the degrees of 27 and 4. Doesn’t matter what sign, doesn’t matter what house, if you have a planet between the degrees of 27 and 4 it is being activated by the Venus Mercury conjunction, Mercury retrograde, and the Sun and Uranus opposition.

Are you incredibly clear of your wellness practices, routines and rituals?

This is a week of carving the time and space to honour the transition, the winding down, and honouring our physical, emotional and spiritual needs.